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The benefits of Handwriting

Blog by www.amsterdamprinting.com Don’t you just love getting a handwritten note? We definitely do, and we don’t want to see handwriting become a thing of the past! We have teamed with some really great organizations like the Campaign for Cursive and WIMA (Writing...

How many of these holiday movies have you watched?

Blog by www.goodhousekeeping.com It’s a Wonderful Life and Home Alone are classics, but this list of funny, romantic and animated holiday flicks offers up some great alternatives. The best memories from your childhood Christmases (aside from the toys under the...

Inequities in Flu Vaccine Uptake

Blog by www.cdc.gov More Vaccination Needed for People from Some Racial/Ethnic Groups Flu can be serious and lead to hospitalization or death. Flu vaccination is the best way to protect against flu. Between 140,000 and 710,000 people were hospitalized with flu each...

6 Festive Fall Activities for Seniors

Blog by www.dailycaring.com Fall is here, the leaves are changing color. It’s refreshing to feel the crisp fall air and watch the leaves change color. To celebrate the new season, we’ve rounded up 6 festive activity ideas that you can enjoy with your older adult....