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HTS Therapy News

The knee joint is the largest and most complex joint in the body. Enduring a significant amount of stress, the knee acts as a support system for our body when sitting, walking, running, and climbing. The number of moving parts in the knee that makes it so useful also causes it to be vulnerable to injury.

Knee pain is a common complaint that affects people of all ages. Simple wear and tear and years of walking can cause the knee joint to weaken and become susceptible to inflammation. While we can’t go back and reverse the damage, there are lifestyle changes you can do now to lessen the stress.

  • Maintain a healthy weight. Remember that every extra pound adds more strain on your joints and increases your risk of injury and osteoarthritis.
  • Keep moving. Exercise is a great way to alleviate knee pain. Low impact exercises such as walking, yoga, and swimming can help your knees without further damaging the joint.
  • Increase your strength. Strength training to build up the muscles in the hip and around the knee joint can help provide support to your knee.

How Can Therapy Help?

A Physical Therapist can help you to reduce pain while increasing strength and flexibility to help your body feel and move better. You will learn what exercises can help your knees without further damaging your joints.

An Occupational Therapist can help you to reduce strain on your joints during daily activities. You will learn methods to relieve discomfort and improve performance through various physical techniques and activity modifications.

If pain is limiting your ability to perform normal daily activities or participate in activities you enjoy, ask your doctor if Physical or Occupational Therapy is right for you.

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