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Article from Rochester Regional Health

While COVID-19 spreads throughout the community, the recommendation to practice social distancing remains. According to health officials, it will continue indefinitely.  But for elder family members who live in long-term care facilities, it can be even more difficult.

“Seniors look forward to visits from their family members,” says Scott Schabel, MD, Medical Director of Geriatrics at Rochester Regional Health. “In-person visits help our elder population create lasting memories and stay connected to their families. Frequent visits from loved ones really cheer them up.” 

With New York State prohibiting visitors from entering all nursing facilities throughout New York State unless “medically necessary,” according to Governor Andrew Cuomo, how do you and your family remain in contact with your older loved ones without putting them at risk of infecting COVID-19?

Dr. Schabel shares a few ideas.  Click here to continue reading.