The vaccination of Hoosiers against COVID-19 has begun. Any Hoosier age 80 and older is now eligible to schedule a vaccination appointment, as are long-term care residents, first responders (fire, law enforcement, emergency medical services, reservists and volunteers) who have in-person contact with the public and licensed and unlicensed healthcare workers who have in-person contact with patients or infectious material in any healthcare setting.
Hoosiers age 80 and older can schedule a vaccination at the link in the red bar above or by calling 2-1-1 if they do not have access to a computer or need assistance registering. Eligible professionals should receive an invitation and registration link from their employer, professional association, or the State of Indiana (Indiana Department of Health, Professional Licensing Agency, Family & Social Services Administration, Department of Homeland Security, or another state agency). If you are a licensed healthcare provider, make sure your email is updated with the Indiana Professional Licensing Agency and continue to check your email and SPAM. If you are eligible and haven’t received an invitation, please ask your employer.
Please be patient, as vaccine supply is limited. Additional groups will be eligible as soon as vaccine supplies permit.
We’ve put together a quick list of references for your convenience.
- Frequently Asked Questions
- About the Vaccine
- Covid-19 Vaccine Allocation Plan
- COVID-19 Vaccine Fact Sheet for Long-term Care Residents
Fast Facts
- The vaccine is 94- 95% effective in study participants who received the vaccine, including seniors
- People who get COVID-19 after the vaccine have less severe cases
- The vaccine is free
- It is a two-part vaccine, so you must get a second dose of the same vaccine (ex. 2nd Pfizer in 21 days or Moderna in 28 days)
- Most people are immune to COVID-19 7 days after the shot