765-203-2674 [email protected]

Visitation Restrictions

We moved to Full Visitor Restriction at all of our Essential communities as President Trump has declared a National State of Emergency.  Our residents are the most vulnerable group to Coronavirus (COVID -19) should they become infected with this disease. Only Essential personnel will be allowed to enter the facility. 

We will update families, residents, and employees weekly on any further changes related to this new guidance. We encourage families to call, facetime, or send cards as a way to stay in touch and connected with your loved one.  

Psycho-social Wellbeing of Our Residents

With the visitation restrictions recently implemented, we’ve also taken extra steps to ensure we are maintaining a positive resident experience.

  • Social Service Rounds and/or Buddy Rounds will check in on residents and assure they are doing well and not having any negative feelings related to these recent changes. 
  • We will increase our social media communication, so families can also stay connected through these photos, updates, etc.
  • Northview/Elwood – We’re encouraging families that are not already registered for the Safekeeping App (link: https://safekeepingapp.com/) to do so as another way to stay connected and updated on their loved one.  

Additional Action Steps 

In addition to the information above about visitation restrictions, we’ve taken these steps to insure the health and safety of our residents and employees.

  • Letters were sent out to families and employees giving them general information about COVID-19 
  • We’ve added additional employee education on infection control 
  • We also implemented additional disinfecting processes throughout each facility last week.   
  • We have reviewed and updated our disaster plans and infection control policies to assure we are prepared should one of our residents or employees become infected. 

We are hopeful that this is a temporary situation. We appreciate your understanding and patience related to this.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your facility Administrator and or Director of nursing for any further information.  

For additional information on the Coronavirus Disease, please visit the CDC information page at https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html