by the ESHL Team | Jan 15, 2020 | Elwood, ESHL News, Northview, Resources, Summit
Article by Kristen Hicks “As if aging wasn’t enough of a pain on its own, many of the health afflictions that come with age also bring a high price tag. In the United States, a big part of the issue comes in the form of rising medication costs. Learn more about...
by the ESHL Team | Dec 27, 2019 | Elwood, ESHL News, Northview, Rehab News, Resources, Summit
HTS Therapy News As you get older, you may start to have trouble with everyday tasks such as bathing, picking up things off the floor, or even just getting around. Assistive devices are products and tools that can make life easier. They might be new things you...
by the ESHL Team | Dec 18, 2019 | Elwood, Northview, Resources, Summit
Article by Rachel Nania, AARP “More middle-aged adults should be talking with their doctors about their risk for dementia, experts say. But new research suggests few are having this conversation. A recent report in JAMA Neurology analyzed survey results from...
by the ESHL Team | Nov 27, 2019 | Elwood, ESHL News, Northview, Rehab News, Resources, Summit
HTS Therapy News Everyone has heard the phrase “Stand Up Straight! Don’t Slouch!” Behind those long forgotten words lies a very valuable and surprisingly simple message: Good posture is important because it helps your body function at top speed. It promotes movement...
by the ESHL Team | Nov 22, 2019 | Elwood, Northview, Resources, Summit
Article by Dena Bunis, AARP “The House of Representatives will now vote in December on a bill that would lower the costs of prescription drugs for Medicare Part D enrollees by requiring the program to negotiate prices and cap out-of-pocket expenses. According to...
by the ESHL Team | Nov 14, 2019 | Elwood, Northview, Resources, Summit
Article by Stacey Colino, AARP “Getting older isn’t necessarily a reason to give up driving. Older drivers these days are keeping their licenses longer and logging more miles on their cars than in the past, according to the Insurance Institute for Highway...