A Beautiful Letter from Resident, Steve Southern…
Pictured above is Steve Southern with his dear wife, Janet
Much is said about “First Responders” that puts them in the place of heroism — and that’s their due. But the reality is not everyone who has such a job has the making of a hero. It is the response that counts. The carrying forth of how they see their responsibility and address it. In that light, I want to talk about the heroism of “Constant Responders.”
I want to talk about people who are equal to the challenge of inevitable life issues, day in and day out. I appreciate you people to the very core of your being. You are vigilant, protecters of the last generation placed in your care. You know who you are. My generation’s fraught limitations that have become your ministry. Our frailness has become your mission. Our fears have become an intricate burden to your daily tasks and toils. Your response is of the utmost importance. Your attitude can make a difference that dwells in a heart of appreciation.
Kind words and courteous grace are hallmarks of this setting: and you are the making of this setting. Yours is far more than a job. It’s a calling. It’s a crucial element of willingness and servitude that exceeds the mere thought of “that’s my job.” We can’t help growing old. We have little say about what kinds of disruptions in life may block our wellbeing. We were helpless as children. But for our caretakers, as we age we are, again, helpless children in many ways
Luke 9:48 “And said unto them. Whosoever shall receive this child in my name receiveth me: and whosoever shall receive me receiveth him that sent me: for he that is least among you all. The same shall be great.”
I thank my LORD that people like you are at the ready. No matter what you are or what you do at this facility, you make my dear wife and myself feel very safe, and very much at home. You know who you are. Thank you, for who you are!